Real-time Signature Capture (Authentication)
To collect CACFP subsidies, you’ll need a strong attendance tracking process. The first step in earning these subsidies is to prove what children were in your care each day. Once you have clear proof of attendance, you can move on to proving what snacks and meals you fed the child.
When the chef visits each classroom with a snack or meal, they can carry a phone or tablet with them to log snacks and meals directly to a child’s record. The digital signature for that interaction is logged in real-time and cannot be altered or tampered with in any way.
If you’d prefer to allow your chef to focus on meal preparation and distribution, your classroom teachers can input meal and snack data in real-time using your childcare app. And just like the chef’s updates, the teacher’s inputs cannot be changed or altered and provide a secure and reliable method for capturing the necessary data for CACFP subsidies.