Some people think infants have it easy. They just eat and sleep, right? Well, if you’ve ever had an infant yourself, or have watched someone else’s baby for just a few hours, you might start to reconsider that thought.
Babies take a lot of time, patience and love to take care of. With so much going on at every minute, being able to keep a journal of everything that happens is essential. Ultimately, this makes the challenging job of taking care of an infant a whole lot easier.
In the iCare Software Journaling feature, we have done the hard work for you and we have created daycare software categories to help you organize the important information you gather throughout the day. The first categories are the essentials:
- meals
- diapering
- naps
- health
By keeping track of these critical categories, it leaves teachers the time to concentrate on an infant’s behavior and activity. This journaling feature also gives teachers an opportunity to educate parents and care takers about these specific areas of their child’s life. For example, a teacher may use this journaling feature to not only record the infant’s sleeping habits, but offer additional knowledge like how much sleep an infant should be getting at this age. There is also room for teachers to make suggestions to help parents at home for each category.
The next group of categories are the behavioral/developmental categories which include:
- “I was”
- “I need”
- “activities”
- “behavior notes”
- “accident reports”
With these Daycare Software Journaling categories, you can track child development and clearly visualize areas of strength, while also catching any developmental delays as early as possible. This is also another great opportunity for child care experts to share their knowledge with the parents. These categories provide a chance for teachers to educate parents on common developmental milestones for each age group. Teachers would be able to teach parents amazing facts about their babies’ psychological development in each category. This will in turn, illustrate realistic expectations for child behavior and development.
When parents are equipped with realistic expectations, they are less likely to become disappointed with their child’s behavior and children are less likely to become frustrated in the process of their learning and developing years. For example, if a parent does not know that a child is usually not developmentally ready to deliberately control their emotions until ages 4-5, they might feel more obligated to punish their two year old when the child is unable to stop crying. This is a perfect example where the teacher has a great opportunity to help both the parent and child by writing this helpful information in their personal journaling feature of the iCare Software program for the parents to read. The teacher can also use this feature for making suggestions like diverting the child’s interest instead of punishing them.
With this childcare software program, parents feel confident leaving their children with providers who can monitor and record their children’s activity when they’re gone and leave them with helpful knowledge for when they’re back at home . It is reassuring to pick up your child from daycare and know that his/her entire day is documented and available for you to enjoy. This is one of the greatest parts of using a quality daycare software program like iCare Software. This childcare software program makes both parents and teachers happy, which in return, makes happy children and that’s the most important part of all!