iCare Software
Calendar & Bulletin Board

Keeping track of events and who has to do what…. is a chore, isn't it?

We created an easy way to organize classes, games, competitions, courses and camps. We even give you reminders so you can never forget another game or appointment again!
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All your dates and events are accessible in one place – on the iCare calendar.

Calendar & Bulletin Board

With the School Calendar and Bulleting Board you can share events on the iCare home page with everyone or make them private to 1 or any set of partial set of people. No more trying to remember dates and times for events or continuously reminding people.

The iCare home page has a company calendar. It has several very useful features to let have a common calendar for all admins, teachers and parents and lets you decide who can see what.

iCare Calendar can:

  • Make announcements and track school events, such as,  open houses, PTA meetings, staff meeting, and important reminders
  • Select who has access to each event posted in the calendar; for example, only a certain staff or parent, all parents and staff, or all parents and staff of a certain program/class
  • Search all past and future events

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